C.S. Lewis
Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 - 22 November 1963) was a British writer and lay theologian. He held academic positions in English literature at both Oxford University and Cambridge University. He is best known for his works of fiction, especially 'The Screwtape Letters', 'The Chronicles of Narnia', and 'The Space Trilogy', and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics, such as 'Mere Christianity', 'Miracles', and 'The Problem of Pain'.
Lewis and fellow novelist J.R.R. Tolkien were close friends, they both served on the English faculty at Oxford University and were active in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings.
Lewis wrote more than 30 books, which have been translated into more than 30 languages and have sold millions of copies. The books that form The Chronicles of Narnia have sold the most and have been popularized on stage, TV, radio, and cinema. (+info)