Brian Edgar
Dr. Brian Edgar is professor of Theological Studies. He has been a full-time faculty member at Asbury Theological Seminary since July 2007, primarily teaching through online courses and on-campus intensives.
Dr. Edgar has B.Th. and M.Th. degrees (Australian College of Theology) and a Ph.D. (Deakin University). He is an ordained minister of the Word in the Uniting Church in Australia and has pastored several churches. He lectured for 18 years in theology and ethics at the Bible College of Victoria at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. He was also Academic Dean for 7 years and was closely involved with the introduction of the MDiv degree onto the Australian theological scene.
Dr. Edgar was Director of Public Theology for the Australian Evangelical Alliance for 4 years before joining the faculty at ATS. He has received two Templeton awards for teaching on science and faith and one writing award for a journal article on scientific and theological notions of immortality. He has written a number of books, and he also published numerous articles and produced reports on matters of faith in the public arena, most of which are available on his web page/blog.